Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Password Cracking Techniques - Free Download

 Password Cracking! Yah! I hope you are as excited about the subject as I am. If not, you must be at least somewhat interested since you are reading this right now, unless of course you pick up random things and read them because you have nothing better to do. In that case, I’ll get you interested!

Whether you are a computer security hobbyist, Certified Ethical Hacker, or just want to know how to crack your girlfriend’s password because she’s “cheating” on you, you will enjoy and get something out of this book. It covers the very basics of password hacking and cracking.

If you are really serious about learning all about hacking, then not only will you read everything in this book, but you will also DO. DO every example I show you because no matter how much you read, you will never really know something until you DO it. So DO it Damnit!

Password Cracking Techniques

How do I get it? 

I am giving a free copy of this book to every subscriber on my other blog Ethical Hacking Guides. Sign-up to the "Ethical Hacking Guides" newsletter and you will be able to download the "Password Cracking Techniques" eBook for free. 

-: EMail Hacking :-

All email communications on the internet are possible by two protocols:
1) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP port-25)
2) Post Office Protocol (POP port-110)

E-Mail hacking consists of various techniques as discussed below.

1) EMail Tracing :- Generally, the path taken by an email while travelling from sender to receiver can be explained by following diagram.


The most effective and easiest way to trace an email is to analyze it's email headers. This can be done by just viewing the full header of received email. A typical email header looks something like this:

The above email header gives us the following information about it's origin and path:

a) Sender's email address :-

b) Source IP address :-

c) Source mail server :-

d) Email client :- Thunderbird

Tips There are lots of ready-made tools available on the internet which performs email tracing very effectively and shows exact geographical location for email sender on the world map.

Recommended   Tools

-: Folder Lock Without Any Software :-

Folder Lock With Password Without Any Software-

Paste the code given below in notepad and 'Save' it as batch file (with extension '.bat').
Any name will do. 
Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker. 
New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location. 
Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'. 
If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password. 
Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End


Introduction: Adsense Hacking Guide by Hackers Reunited Team. Using this hack you can earn a lot of money. This articles is only for educational purpose. We don’t take any responsibility
adsense hacking


  • Firefox Browser 
  • Refcontrol Auto Refresh Script [Download Here]
  • Auto Clicker 
  • IP Hiding Software 
  • Web Page with High Paying Adsense Keywords 


  • Install Firefox, Add the addon files of firebox[ Refcontrol]
  • Install Auto Clicker
  • Install IP Hider 3.1
  • Open the web page in notepad and replace “Your Adsense Code Here” with your adsense code
Note: Check whether your IP Hider is working []


IP Hider must be running. Open the web page with firebox and click on your adsense advertisement. Now change your IP Address from IP hider and delete your cookies then once gain click on your adsense advertisement. Click as much you want. After this run the addon refcontrol. Now it’s time to get some page impression open the adsense advertisement page  run Autoclicker and set above 1000 as clicks per second then press start and quickly click on the url of adsense advertisement page then wait a little. After sometimes go and check your adsense earning. Note: We do not take any responsibility. This article is for educational purpose only

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Forgot Xp Password Then Try This

Forgot Xp Password Then Try This

Because of the security features built into Windows XP, it is virtually impossible to get back into the system without the password.
You have several options to try and get around this problem.

If you have access to another user account with administrator rights, you can use that account to change the password
of the account that is locked out. You can also use the default Administrator account that is built into Windows XP.

First you need to boot the system into Safe Mode.
1.Restart your system.
2.When you see the blue Dell globe or screen, press the ( F8 ) key about 3 times a second.
3.You should get the Windows startup menu. Use the (Up or Down) arrow keys to highlight (SafeMode)
4.Press (Enter) on (Safe Mode), then press (Enter) on (Windows XP).
5.The system should boot to Safe Mode.

Once you are at the Account Log on Screen, click on the icon
for the user account with administrator rights, or click on the icon
for the administrators account.
Note: For Home the Administrator account isn't normally shown & in Safe Mode you have to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys twice to show.
For PRO you can do this in normal mode

When the system has booted to the desktop, use the following steps to change the accounts password.
1.Click Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools.
2.Click Computer Management.
3.Double click Local Users and Groups, double click the folder Users.
4.Right click on the account name that is locked out, and click on Set Password.
5.You may get a warning message about changing the password, simply click proceed.
6.Leave the New Password box blank, also leave the Confirm Password box blank.
7.Click OK, and OK again.
8.Then close all Windows, reboot the system and try to log in.

There are also applications that can recover the password for you.
The following companies provide these applications at a cost.
iOpus® Password Recovery XP here., here.
Asterisk Password Recovery XP v1.89 here.
Windows XP / 2000 / NT Key here.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hacking Facebook ,Gmail account using Backtrack and SET

Hello, friends i am back with a latest post on hacking facebook,gmail accounts using backtrack and social engineering kit.Things you needed are following:---> 1. Backtrack 5 R2 2. Internet connection 3. A brain Now follow all my steps like i am showing in this post:----->

1. First open the social engineering kit using this command in cd /pentest/exploits/set and then press enter and then type ./set and hit enter like in image.

2. Now type 1 to select Social-Engineering Attacks and hit enter as in image.
3. Now type 2 to select Website Attack Vectors and hit enter as in image.
4. Now type 4 to select Tabnabbing Attack Method and hit enter.
5. Now type 2 to select Site Cloner and hit enter.
6. Now enter the site address whom which you want to create fake pages.
7. Now ti will start cloning the site. 8. Now send ur ip address as a link to victim.
9. Now when victim click on it he/she get the fake page and when he fill the details he will got hacked. Note : its for educational purpose.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Facebook Antivirus Marketplace: Download Free Antivirus

Recently facebook teams has pioneered with five antivirus software companies and provides users to a free and subscription-based antivirus packages called Facebook Anti-Virus Marketplace. Facebook has partnered with Microsoft, McAfee, TrendMicro, Sophos and Symantec.
Facebook also shared there URL blacklist systems with these security vendors, so they can add it with their own URL blacklist database and provides very powerful security for 900 million facebook users.
You can download just one antivirus for each facebook account and some antivirus comes with a 6 months subscription.
The AV Marketplace enables people to download six-month licenses to full versions of anti-virus software at no charge from Microsoft, McAfee, TrendMicro, Sophos, or Symantec. Facebook’s global community can now download for free powerful software to protect their computers from current and future viruses, and contents security threats providing hundreds of millions of people free access to anti-virus software.
Facebook’s Antivirus Marketplace is available to both windows and mac users.
You can download Free Antivirus from Facebook Security

Free Download Ankit Fadia's Hacking Books

Download the collection of world's most famous hacker Ankit Fadia's hacking books.

Download it from here.

If you want more books from his side, then google it. :P

Speed your browser by changing your DNS

Most people use the default DNS settings provided by their ISP, and while they are usually sufficient for most purposes, there are plenty of free options out there, like OpenDNS and Google DNS. Namebench is a free app that checks to see whether your current settings are optimized and, if not, which free option is best for you. Here's how to use it:

Download and install Namebench.

Fire it up and choose your settings. Keep the top two boxes checked. If you're concerned about network censorship, check the third box, and if you want to help the developers, check the last box. You can tweak the rest if you're outside U.S. or want to experiment with different browsers.

NameBench Dns

Click Start Benchmark and wait while Namebench runs its tests. It should take several minutes. A browser tab should pop open when Namebench is done and give you a list of DNS servers and how much faster they are than the one you're currently using, unless yours are already the fastest possible.

Namebench does not change your settings, but it's generally pretty easy to do it yourself. Check with the instructions you got from your ISP to set up your modem and/or router and just substitute the DNS addresses you received from Namebench for the addresses given by your ISP. It's best to do this with your router, as it will assign that DNS address for all the devices attached to it.

That's it! This can dramatically improve your browsing speed, and it's fairly easy to work through.

KGB Archiver : Compress 1GB File to 10MB

KGB Archiver is a free and a open source software which compresses 1GB file to 10MB file.
Data compression utility of this software is based on PAQ6 algorithm which has AES-256 powerful encryption. KGB archiver works on both Windows and Linux operating system. Compression ratio of this software is very high. Due to high compression levels, time to compress a file goes high as the size of the file increases and compression ratio may vary depending on the format of the file.
When a file is compressed with KGB Archiver it saves it with own extension and at the time of decompression it automatically recognizes the file format. The only limitation of KGB archiver is, decompressed file cannot be open or extract with other compression softwares. You can also choose any compression level (high, maximum, normal, low, very weak) to compress a file but the compression time will vary according to your selected compression level.
Note: If you are compressing any file with KGB archiver and sending the comprssed file to your friends then he must have KBG archiver installed on his computer to decompress the file.

System Requirements:

Due to high compression ratio of KGB archiver, you need to have a decent system hardware configuration
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 1.5 GHz Processor

Features of KGB Archiver

  • Supports native .kgb files and .zip files
  • AES-256 Encryption
  • Able to create self-extracting archives.
  • Multilanguage supports like Arabic, German, Greek, Japanese, Spanish many more.
  • Unicode is supported in both User Interface and File Systems.
  • An Explorer shell extension is available for the windows version.
  • Make Password protected compressed files.

Note: This KBG Archiver software cannot compress video format files...

How To Protect Yourself From DNSChanger

Some days ago the Internet Systems Consortium will permanently shut down DNS servers deployed to serve as temporary surrogates for rogue DNS servers shut down as part of Operation Ghost Click, an FBI operation that brought down an Estonian hacker ring last year. If your PC is one of the more than 1 million computers infected that carry DNSChanger you might unknowingly be relying on one of the FBI's temporary servers to access the Internet, and if you don't eliminate DNSChanger from your PC before the FBI pulls the plug on its servers, you'll be left without Internet access. Read on to learn how to discover whether you're infected with DNSChanger, and what you can do to eliminate it from your system.

How to Tell Whether DNSChanger Has Infected Your PC

To figure out whether you've been infected with DNSChanger, just point your Web browser to one of the (admittedly amateur-looking) DNSChanger Check-Up websites that Internet security organizations maintain across the globe. The link above will take you to a DNS Changer Check-Up page in the United States that the DNS Changer Working Group maintains; if you live outside the United States, you can consult the FBI's list of DNSChanger Check-Up websites to find an appropriate service for your region.

Unfortunately, if your router is infected, those websites will think that your PC is infected, even though it may be clean; worse, if your ISP redirects DNS traffic, your PC may appear to be clean even though your DNS settings may have been maliciously altered. If you want to be certain that your PC is free of DNSChanger malware, you need to manually look up the IP addresses of the DNS servers that your PC contacts to resolve domain names when browsing the Web.

To look up which DNS servers your Windows 7 PC is using, open your Start menu and either run the Command Prompt application or type cmd in the Search field. Once you have a command prompt open, type ipconfig /allcompartments /all at the command line and press Enter. A big block of text should appear; scroll through it until you see a line that says 'DNS Servers', and copy down the string(s) of numbers that follow (there may be more than one string here, meaning that your PC accesses more than one DNS server).

It's even easier for Mac OS X users to determine the IP addresses of the DNS servers that their PC uses. Open the Apple menu (usually located in the upper-left corner of the screen) and select System Preferences. Next, click the Network icon to open your Network Settings menu; navigate to Advanced Settings, and copy down the string(s) of numbers listed in the DNS Server box.

DNS Changer

Once you know the IP addresses of the DNS servers that your PC is using, head over to the FBI DNSChanger website and enter those addresses into the search box. Press the big blue Check Your DNS button, and the FBI's software will tell you whether your PC is using rogue DNS servers to access the Internet.
What to Do If Your PC Is Infected by DNSChanger

If your PC is infected with DNSChanger, you'll have to do some intensive work to get rid of it. DNSChanger is a powerful rootkit that does more than just alter DNS settings; if you've been infected with DNSChanger, your safest course is to back up your important data, reformat your hard drive(s), and reinstall your operating system.

If you're leery of reformatting your entire PC, you can try rooting out the DNSChanger rootkit with a free rootkit removal utility such as Kaspersky Labs' TDSSKiller. As the name implies, Kaspersky released the program to help PC owners seek and destroy the TDSS rootkit malware, but it also detects and attempts to eliminate DNSChanger and many other forms of rootkits.

If the infected PC is on a network, you'll have to check every other PC on the network for signs of infection, and then check your router's settings to ensure that it isn't affected (DNSChanger is programmed to change router DNS settings automatically, using the default usernames and passwords of most modern routers). To do this, copy down your router's DNS server IP addresses (located in your router's settings menu) and check them against the FBI's IP address database mentioned above. If your router is infected, reset the router and confirm that all network settings are restored to the manufacturer's defaults.

When you're done, repeat the steps outlined above to verify that your PC is no longer infected with DNSChanger. With all traces of this vicious malware eliminated, you should have nothing to fear when the FBI shuts down the ISC's temporary DNS servers in July.

24 Great Facebook Tricks and Hacks

1. Hide Your Online Status From Selected Friends:

So you want to use Facebook chat but don’t want some people to see your online status? Simply open up the Facebook Chat and click on Friends List. Start creating a new list called BlockList.

Once the list is created, add those friends to the list that you want to appear offline to. When the list is complete, hover your mouse to the little green icon adjacent to the list and click Go Offline. Bingo! You will now appear offline to everybody in the BlockList.

2. View a Friend’s Profile Without Messy Applications:

If you are like me, you often get annoyed by the dozens of silly applications that people have added to their profile. Here’s a Grease Monkey script that allows you to view any profile without all those applications. Remember: the Mozilla Firefox web browser is a prerequisite for running Greasemonkey.

3. Display Your Facebook Status On Your WordPress Blog:

Want to display your Facebook status updates on your WordPress blog? There is a plugin that does exactly that. StatusPress lets you display your status updates to a widget on your WordPress blog.

4. Access Facebook Chat Through Your Desktop:

No need to go to if all you want to do is use Facebook chat. You can do it right from your desktop using clients like , Adium or ChitChat.

5. Update Facebook Status From Firefox:

If you are a firefox addict you don’t need to use any other software to update your Facebook status. Simply install the FireStatus add-on and update your status right from your browser. You can also use the Facebook Toolbar to completely manage Facebook from your Firefox browser.

6. Create A Photo Collage From Pictures Of Your Facebook Friends:

Easily create a photo collage from profile pictures of all your Facebook friends using a simple Facebook app called Photo Collage.

7. Add A New friend But Hide It From Your Status Update:

A great tutorial by Tim Watson walks you through the process of hiding specific actions from your status updates.

8. Schedule Facebook Messages To Be Send Later:

If you want to schedule your Facebook messages to be send sometime in the future, Sendible is a great tool to do that. You can also use Sendible to schedule your status updates.

9. How To Share Flickr Photos On Facebook:

My Flickr is a Facebook application that lets you display your Flickr photos and photo sets on Facebook so your friends can view and comment on them without leaving Facebook.

10. How To Download Facebook Photo Albums:

Ever felt the need to download complete photo albums from Facebook. You can easily do it with either a Windows desktop application named FotoBounce or a great Firefox add-on FacePad.

11. Upload Photos On Facebook From Your Phone:

All the smart phones like iPhone and Blackberry make it simple to upload photos to your Facebook account but how would you do it if you have a regular phone? Here is a great tutorial to walk you through that.

12. Magic Circles On Facebook:

You might have heard about the Konami code that makes red blurry circles on your Facebook page. This might be one of the most popular Facebook hidden tricks. Here’s how to do it:
Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter key then press up & down & Magic circles will appear!
To stop them simply reload your page.

13. Use Your Facebook Like A Pirate:

Do you love talking like a pirate? You can set your Facebook to appear like a pirate page by going into Current Language Settings and setting it to English (Pirate).

14. How To Insert Cool Symbols In Your Status Updates:

Make your status updates interesting by inserting cool symbols. Simply copying them from this list and pasting in your status updates.

15. Automatically Poke Friends That Poke You:

Don’t have enough time to poke back friends who poke you on Facebook? Automate it with a Grease Monkey script called Facebook Autopoke.

16. Upload Photos From PicasaTo Facebook:

Upload photos to your Facebook account directly from Picasa using the Picasa app for Facebook. You can also upload the Picasa captions and resize your photos before uploading them to Facebook.

17. Search Facebook Like A Pro:

Not everybody knows how powerful Facebook search is. Similar to any large search engine, Facebook search has a lot of advanced options to help you search like a pro. For example if you are looking for a person named John Marsh and filter your results down to only people who are married, you can try name: John Marsh status:married. A complete list of search tips for Facebook can be found here.

18. How To Update Facebook Status From Gmail:

Facebook gadget for Gmail allows you to update your Facebook status right from your Gmail.

19. How To Access Gmail From Facebook:

If you seldom have to leave Facebook just to go check your Gmail inbox, check out Fmail. It is a great application that lets you check your Gmail from within your Facebook inbox.

20. See Facebook Twitter style:

If you love Twitter more than Facebook, you can view your Facebook just like you view your Twitter using this grease monkey script.

21. Import Facebook Friends To Twitter:

FB140 is a simple tool that lets you find all your Facebook friends that are using Twitter so you can easily follow them.

22. Access Facebook From Microsoft Outlook:

This is a great tip for people attending colleges or working in places that block Facebook, but allow you access to Microsoft Outlook. Simple install the FBlook plugin and access Facebook from Outlook.

23. Display Your Facebook Status Upside Down:

This is a cool and fun trick. To display upside down status updates, simply head over to FlipText and type in your status. Then simply click on Flip Text and copy-paste the upside down text into your Facebook status box.

24. Update Facebook Status Using Twitter:

Wouldn’t you love to update your status on both Facebook and Twitter at the same time. Just install the Twitter application for Facebook. Once synced, your tweets including the #fb tag would automatically be posted as status updates on your Facebook.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Lock/Unlock Computer With Pendrive

First, what is “syskey”?

SYSKEY is a utility that encrypts the hashed password information in a SAM database in a Windows system using a 128-bit encryption key.
SYSKEY was an optional feature added in Windows NT 4.0 SP3. It was meant to protect against offline password cracking attacks so that the SAM database would still be secure even if someone had a copy of it. However, in December 1999, a security team from Bind  View found a security hole in SYSKEY which indicates that a certain form of cryptanalytic attack is possible offline. A brute force attack then appeared to be possible.
Microsoft later collaborated with Bind View to issue a fix for the problem (dubbed the ‘Syskey Bug’) which appears to have been settled and SYSKEY has been pronounced secure enough to resist brute force attack.
According to Todd Sabin of the Bind View team RAZOR, the pre-RC3 versions of Windows 2000 were also affected.
So this is pretty cool, right?  Well, I really like the idea of keeping this on Floppy so that it requires a floppy disk (a sort of 2 factor (hardware/software) authentication?).
Naturally I wanted to go a bit further and use this on a USB drive instead of storing to a Floppy.  I can’t see myself carrying a floppy and a USB floppy drive around with me.  After all, this provides another layer of security.
NOTE:  I haven’t tested copying data from 1 USB to another USB to see if it works as a backup.  This way you could lock up a USB drive as a spare if needed.
Here’s how to get this to work using a USB drive.

1.  Insert your USB drive into your system and wait for it to be recognized and install any necessary drivers.
2.  Fire up disk management and re-assign the drive letter it was given to “A”.

Start up disk management by clicking Start and typing diskmgmt.msc

Right-click the USB drive and choose to assign driver letter or path.

Assign it to letter “A”

Accept the warning message

Now your USB drive is “A”

3.  Run Syskey and save encryption to USB Drive “A”

Click Start and type syskey followed by hitting Enter

Syskey launched; Click “Update”

Choose “Store Startup key on floppy disk” and click “OK”

You’ll be prompted to enter your diskette. Make sure your USB drive is inserted and writable.
4.  Reboot and have fun.  Don’t lose your USB disk!  Also, to revert this, you can run syskey again and choose to store it locally instead of “on a floppy disk”.

Nokia Mobile Phone HACK Codes

1.  Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don’t have a charger.
     Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, key is “*3370#”
     Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument will show a 50% increase in battery.
     This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell next time.
     *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)-Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time    is reduced by approx 5%
     #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)
     *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec – Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
     *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec
2.  *#0000# Displays your phones software version,
      1st Line :  Software Version,
      2nd Line : Software Release Date,
      3rd Line : Compression Type
3.  *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.
4.  *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number).
5.  #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols).
6.  #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols).
7.  #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols).
8.  #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.(use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols).
9.  *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).
10.  *#21# Allows you to check the number that “All Calls” are diverted to.
11.  *#2640# Displays security code in use.
12.  *#30# Lets you see the private number.
13.  *#43# Allows you to check the “Call Waiting” status of your phone.
14.  *#61# Allows you to check the number that “On No Reply” calls are diverted to.
15.  *#62# Allows you to check the number that “Divert If Unreachable(no service)” calls are diverted to.
16.  *#67# Allows you to check the number that “On Busy Calls” are diverted to.
17.  *#67705646# removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
18.  *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
19.  *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature “SIM Clock Stop Allowed”, it means you will get the best standby time possible
20.  *#7760# Manufactures code
21.  *#7780# Restore factory settings
22.  *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110
23.  *#92702689# (to remember *#WARRANTY#)
      Displays -
      1. Serial Number,
      2.Date Made
      3.Purchase Date,
      4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs),
      5.Transfer User Data.
      To exit this mode -you need to switch your phone off then on again
24.  *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem
25.  **21*number# Turn on “All Calls” diverting to the phone number entered
26.  **61*number# Turn on “No Reply” diverting to the phone number entered
27.  **67*number# Turn on “On Busy” diverting to the phone number entered
  Each command is prefixed with either one or two * or # characters as follows:
   ** Register and Activate
   * Activate  
    ## De-Register (and Deactivate)
    # Deactivate
    *# Check Status
    © Call button
Once each command has been entered, if it is a network command (as opposed to a local handset command) it must be transmitted to the network by pressing the YES (receiver) key which acts as an enter key – this is represented here with the © character. Always enter numbers in full international format +CountryAreaNumber ( e.g. +447712345678).
Change call barring code **03*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©

Change call barring code **03*330*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©

Change PIN code **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#©

Change PIN2 code **042*OldPIN2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©

Unlock PIN code (when PIN is entered wrong 3 times) **05*PUK*NewPIN*NewPIN#©

Unlock PIN2 code (when PIN2 is entered wrong 3 times) **052*PUK2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©

Display IMEI *#06#
Call Forwarding (Diversions)
De-register all call diversions ##002#©

Set all configured call diversions to number and activate **004*number#©

De-register all configured call diversions (no answer, not reachable, busy) ##004#©

Unconditionally divert all calls to number and activate **21*number#©

Activate unconditionally divert all calls *21#©

De-register unconditionally divert all calls ##21#©

Deactivate unconditionally divert all calls #21#©

Check status of unconditionally divert all calls *#21#©

Divert on no answer to number and activate **61*number#©

Activate divert on no answer *61#©

De-register divert on no answer ##61#©

Deactivate divert on no answer #61#©

Check status of divert on no answer *#61#©

Divert on not reachable to number and activate **62*number#©

Activate divert on not reachable *62#©

De-register divert on not reachable ##62#©

Deactivate divert on not reachable #62#©

Check status of divert on not reachable *#62#©

Divert on busy to number and activate  **67*number#©

Activate divert on busy *67#©

De-register divert on busy ##67#©

Deactivate divert on busy #67#©

Check status of divert on busy *#67#©

Change number of seconds of ringing for the given service before diverting a call (such as on no answer). Seconds must be a value from 5 to 30. De-registering the same divert will also delete this change! **service*number**seconds#© (Service numbers, see below)
Call barring
Activate barring all outgoing calls (see Security to set code) **33*code#©

Deactivate barring all outgoing calls #33*code#©

Check status of barring all outgoing calls *#33#©

Activate barring all calls **330*code#©

Deactivate barring all calls #330*code#©

Check status of barring all calls *#330*code#©

Activate barring all outgoing international calls **331*code#©

Deactivate barring all outgoing international calls #331*code#©

Check status of barring all outgoing international calls *#331#©

Activate barring all outgoing international calls except to home country **332*code#©

Deactivate barring all outgoing international calls except to home country #332*code#©

Check status of barring all outgoing international calls except to home country *#332#©

Activate barring all outgoing calls **333*code#©

Deactivate barring all outgoing calls #333*code#©

Check status of barring all outgoing calls *#333#©

Activate barring all incoming calls **35*code#©

Deactivate barring all incoming calls #35*code#©

Check status of barring all incoming calls *#35#©

Activate barring all incoming calls when roaming **351*code#©

Deactivate barring all incoming calls when roaming #351*code#©

Check status of barring all incoming calls when roaming *#351#©

Activate barring all incoming calls **353*code#©

Deactivate barring all incoming calls #353*code#©

Check status of barring all incoming calls *#353#©
Call waiting
Activate call waiting *43*#©

Deactivate call waiting #43##©

Check status of call waiting *#43#©
Calling Line Identification
The following only works if CLIP and CLIR are enabled (ask your service provider)

CLIP: Presentation of the number of the incoming call

Activate CLIP **30#©

Deactivate CLIP ##30#©

Check status of CLIP *#30#©

CLIR: Presentation of one’s own number to the to the called party

Activate CLIR **31#©

Activate CLIR for the actual call *31#number©

Deactivate CLIR ##31#©

Deactivate CLIR for the actual call #31#number©

Check status of CLIR *#31#©
COLP: Presentation of the actual number reached (if number called was diverted to another number
Activate COLP *76#©

Deactivate COLP #76#©

Check status of COLP *#76#©

COLR: Presentation of the original number called by the calling party (if the call was diverted to this cellphone)

Activate COLR *77#©

Deactivate COLR #77#©

Check status of COLR *#77#©

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Run this on your own responsibility*/


/*This is a simple program to create a virus in c
It will create Folder in a Folder in a Folder and so on ......

void main(int argc,char* argv[])
{ char buf[512];
int source,target,byt,done;
struct ffblk ffblk;
printf(”\nVirus: Folderbomb 1.0\nProgrammer:BAS Unnikrishnan(\n”);
done = findfirst(”*.*”,&ffblk,0);
while (!done)
{ printf(”\n”);cprintf(” %s “, ffblk.ff_name);printf(”is attacked by “);cprintf(”Folderbomb”);
done = findnext(&ffblk);

Secret Google Search Tricks

Google Search Tricks:
Well let me tell You what actually google tricks mean. Google tricks/google tips, does not mean hacking google, Using the below Google operators, we can get the desired google result very quickly. Well we can name this as hidden google secrets or Advanced google searching.                              .                                                                 Google Search Tricks tips
Google Trick -1 :- GOOGLE OPERATOR
Type the following highlited words in google search box.
Google has several google operators that can help you find specific information, specific websites or inquire about the indexing of your own   site, below you will find the most important ones:   

Click on the example google trick, and You will be redirected to google.
define: - This google operator will find definitions for a certain term or  word over the Internet. Very useful when you come across a strange word when writing a post. I use this as a google dictionary. example : (define computer)
info: - The google info operator will list the sets of information that    Google has from a specific website (i.e. info:
site: - This google operator can be used to see the number of indexed     pages on your site (                  Alternative it can also be used to search for information inside a specific        site or class of sites.
link: - This google link operator allows you to find backlinks pointing         to your site. Unfortunately the count is not updated frequently and             not all backlinks are shown
allinurl: - Using this Google operator will limit the search to results         that contain the desired keywords on the URL structure. (i.e. allinurl:dailyblogtips)
fileformat: - Useful Google operator for finding specific file formats. Sometimes you know that the information you are looking for is likely to be contained in a PDF document or on a PowerPoint presentation, for instance. (i.e. “fileformat:.pdf market research” will search for PDF documents that contain the terms “market” and “research”)

Google trick -2 Top 10 Cool Google Search Tricks

well as we have gained enough knowledge regarding google operators, lets have a look at the following 10 cool google search tricks. Click on the example google trick, and You will be redirected to google.

  1. Google trick to  search different file formats (keyword filetype:doc)
  2. Google trick to search educational resources (keyword example (computer
  3. Finding the time of any location (time romania)
  4. Finding the weather of any location (boston weather)
  5. Tracking commentary of live events (Olympic games Beijing 2008)
  6. Using Google as a calculator (9 * 10)(143+234)(119-8)
  7. Converting currencies (1 USD in INR)(10 US Dollars in Indian Rupee)
  8. Find how many teaspoons are in a quarter cup (quarter cup in teaspoons)
  9. how many seconds there are in a year (seconds in a year)
  10. Tracking stocks (stocks:MSFT)
  11. Finding faces (add imgtype=face to the URL)
google trick -3 Top Essential Google Search shortcuts

#1: Get Local Weather

Type: “weather [city name or zip/postal code]”                                                                     Example: “weather 500054″ or “weather boston”

#2: Check Flight Status

Google automagically pulls flight data from All you have to do is enter the flight number.                                                                                                                                                           Type: [flight name and/or number]                                                                                     Example: “bc254″ or “newyork21″

#3: Convert Distances

Type: “[value] [first distance unit] to [second distance unit]”                                              Example: “100 kilometers to miles”

#4: Find a Phone Number

Find a Person:

    Type: “[person’s name], [city or zip/postal code]”                                                           Example: “john smith, london”

Find a Business/store:

    Type: “[business name or type], [city or zip/postal code]”                                         Example: “book store, boston”
Google trick -4 :Google search trick for Rapidshare files search:
#1 inurl:users "*"

#2 inurl:users "*"

#3 inurl:files "*"

#4 inurl:files "*"

#5 inurl:users (pass|password)
#6 inurl:users (pass|password)

Suppose u need some info on ebooks. Then u can try following keyword to see all rapidshare folders having any hacking related thing in it inurl:users "ebooks"